Announcing our eBook series of short fiction
This Spring, Naraka Press will be releasing a series of short stories in eBook format.
For fans of short fiction, e-readers are the way to go! Now you can acquire a huge library of short stories, one at a time, without having to subscribe to literary magazines or buy anthologies that may have one or two works you're interested in. And even better: the typical e-version short story sells cheap, if not absolutely free! That's right, you can find thousands of great stories online for free.
Find out how you can download Naraka Press short fiction either VERY CHEAP or absolutely free by visiting this page:
Download free ebook short stories
Or why not buy a couple of stories for a buck a piece
Naraka Press announces the release of our first novel:
SOL: A Light Novel
You are cordially invited to the greatest party ever held.
The Anniversary of the Pyramids comes but once a millenniumeveryone who's ever been anyone will be there! Refreshments, psychedelics, and magicks of all flavors will be served. Count a reckless young man and his talking salamander in--if the sexy witch who invited them doesn't nuke the whole thing first! Do What Thou Wilt.
More about SOL....